symbol | latex code | explanation | |
+ | + | Addition | |
− | - | Subtraction | |
× | \times | Multiplication | |
÷ | \div | Division | |
= | = | Equal to | |
≠ | \neq | Not equal to | |
< | < | Less than | |
> | > | Greater than | |
≤ | \leq | Less than or equal to | |
≥ | \geq | Greater than or equal to | |
± | \pm | Plus-minus | |
∓ | \mp | Minus-plus | |
% | \% | Percent | |
‰ | \permil | Per mille | |
‱ | \textpertenthousand | Per ten thousand sign | |
√ | \sqrt{} | Square root | |
∛ | \sqrt[3]{} | Cube root | |
∜ | \sqrt[4]{} | Fourth root | |
^ | ^ | Exponentiation (power) | |
log | \log | Logarithm base 10 | |
ln | \ln | Natural logarithm (base \(e\)) | |
e | e | The base of the natural logarithm (\(e\)) | |
∞ | \infty | Infinity | |
π | \pi | Pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter | |
φ | \varphi | Phi, the golden ratio | |
! | ! | Factorial, the product of all positive integers up to a given number | |
∑ | \sum | Summation, the sum of a sequence of numbers | |
∏ | \prod | Product, the product of a sequence of numbers | |
∂ | \partial | Partial derivative symbol | |
∆ | \Delta | Delta, represents change or difference in mathematics | |
∫ | \int | Integral, represents the area under a curve | |
∮ | \oint | Contour integral, used in complex analysis | |
( | ( | Left parenthesis for grouping | |
) | ) | Right parenthesis for grouping | |
[ | [ | Left square bracket for grouping | |
] | ] | Right square bracket for grouping | |
+ | \+ | Addition operation between two numbers. | |
- | \- | Subtraction operation between two numbers. | |
* | \ast | Multiplication or a wildcard symbol. | |
/ | \/ | Denotes division or separates terms. | |
= | \= | Indicates equality between two expressions or assignment. | |
≠ | \neq | Indicates that two expressions are not equal. | |
< | \< | Indicates that the left value is smaller than the right. | |
> | \> | Indicates that the left value is larger than the right. | |
≤ | \leq | Left value is less than or equal to the right. | |
≥ | \geq | Left value is greater than or equal to the right. | |
× | \times | Denotes multiplication between two quantities. | |
÷ | \div | Represents division between two numbers. | |
± | \pm | Plus Minus. | |
∓ | \mp | Minus Plus. | |
∧ | \wedge | Logical conjunction; true if both operands are true. | |
∨ | \vee | Logical disjunction; true if at least one operand is true. | |
⊕ | \oplus | Represents direct sum or exclusive OR. | |
⊗ | \otimes | Denotes tensor product. | |
∙ | \cdot | Represents multiplication, especially scalar product. | |
∝ | \propto | Indicates proportionality between two quantities. | |
∘ | \circ | Denotes the composition of two functions. | |
∙ | \bullet | Used for multiplication or as a list marker. | |
∩ | \cap | Represents common elements of sets. | |
∪ | \cup | Represents all elements from both sets. | |
⊎ | \uplus | Union where elements' multiplicities are summed. | |
⊓ | \inf | Greatest element less than or equal to all elements. | |
⊔ | \sup | Least element greater than or equal to all elements. | |
≮ | \nless | Indicates the left value is not less than the right. | |
∔ | \dotplus | Dot plus | |
∸ | \dotminus | Dot minus | |
∖ | \setminus | Set minus | |
⋒ | \curlyvee | Curly logical or | |
⋓ | \curlywedge | Curly logical and | |
⊟ | \boxminus | Square image | |
⊠ | \boxtimes | Square original | |
⊡ | \boxdot | Squared dot operator | |
⊞ | \boxplus | Squared plus | |
⋇ | \divideontimes | Division times | |
⋉ | \ltimes | Left normal factor semidirect product | |
⋊ | \rtimes | Right normal factor semidirect product | |
⋋ | \leftthreetimes | Left semidirect product | |
⋌ | \rightthreetimes | Right semidirect product | |
⋏ | \bigcap | N-ary intersection | |
⋎ | \bigcup | N-ary union | |
⊝ | \circleddash | Circled dash | |
⊺ | \turnstile | Turnstile | |
⊕ | \oplus | Direct sum / Circled plus | |
⊖ | \ominus | Circled minus | |
⊗ | \otimes | Tensor product / Circled times | |
⊘ | \oslash | Circled division slash | |
⊙ | \odot | Circled dot operator | |
⊛ | \circledast | Circled star operator | |
⊚ | \circledcirc | Circled ring operator | |
† | \dagger | Dagger | |
‡ | \ddagger | Double dagger | |
⋆ | \star | Star operator | |
⋄ | \diamond | Diamond operator | |
≀ | \wr | Wreath product | |
△ | \triangle | Triangle / Delta | |
⋀ | \bigwedge | N-ary logical and | |
⋁ | \bigvee | N-ary logical or | |
⨀ | \bigwedge | N-ary logical and | |
⨂ | \bigotimes | N-ary times operator | |
⨁ | \bigoplus | N-ary direct sum | |
⨅ | \bigcap | N-ary coproduct | |
⨆ | \bigcup | N-ary union operator | |
⨄ | \biguplus | N-ary union plus | |
⨃ | \bigcupplus | Union with a plus | |
∟ | \rightangle | Right Angle | |
∠ | \angle | Angle | |
∡ | \measuredangle | Measured Angle | |
∢ | \sphericalangle | Spherical Angle | |
⊾ | \rightanglewitharc | Right Angle With Arc | |
⊿ | \righttriangle | Right Triangle | |
⋕ | \equalparallel | Equal and Parallel To | |
⊥ | \perp | Perpendicular | |
∤ | \nmid | Undefined control sequence | |
∥ | \parallel | Parallel | |
∦ | \nparallel | Not Parallel To (another form) | |
∶ | \ratio | Ratio | |
∷ | \proportion | Proportion | |
∴ | \therefore | Therefore | |
∵ | \because | Because | |
∎ | \blacksquare | End of Proof (Tombstone) | |
△ | \triangle | Triangle | |
≅ | \cong | Congruent (identical in form) | |
∼ | \sim | Similar (same shape, different size) | |
○ | \bigcirc | Circle | |
⊙ | \odot | Circled dot (often represents a circle with a center point) | |
□ | \square | Square | |
◇ | \diamond | Diamond | |
▭ | \rectangle | Rectangle | |
⬟ | \pentagon | Pentagon | |
⬣ | \hexagon | Hexagon | |
ω | \omega | Omega (often used to represent a specific angle in trigonometry) | |
Ω | \Omega | Ohm or Omega (can represent a large circle or completion) | |
α | \alpha | Alpha (often used to represent angles in triangles and circles) | |
β | \beta | Beta (also used for angles) | |
γ | \gamma | Gamma (often represents an angle or a specific point) | |
∑ | \sum | Summation symbol | |
∫ | \int | Integral symbol | |
∬ | \iint | Double integral symbol | |
∭ | \iiint | Triple integral symbol | |
∮ | \oint | Contour integral symbol | |
∯ | \oiint | Surface integral symbol | |
∰ | \oiiint | Volume integral symbol | |
∱ | \varointclockwise | Clockwise integral | |
∲ | \ointctrclockwise | Clockwise contour integral | |
∳ | \varointctrclockwise | Counterclockwise contour integral | |
∏ | \prod | Product symbol | |
∐ | \coprod | Coproduct symbol | |
⋂ | \bigcap | Intersection symbol | |
⋃ | \bigcup | Union symbol | |
⋀ | \bigwedge | Logical AND or N-ary logical conjunction | |
⋁ | \bigvee | Logical OR or N-ary logical disjunction | |
⨀ | \bigwedge | N-ary logical AND | |
⨂ | \bigotimes | Tensor product | |
⨁ | \bigoplus | Direct sum | |
⨄ | \biguplus | Multiset sum | |
⨃ | \bigcupplus | Union with a plus | |
∀ | \forall | For All (Universal Quantifier) | |
∁ | \complement | Complement | |
ℂ | \mathbb{C} | Set of Complex Numbers | |
∂ | \partial | Partial Differential | |
ð | \eth | Eth (Used in phonetic notations) | |
ℇ | \Euler | Euler's Number (Variant) | |
Ϝ | \digamma | Digamma (Greek letter) | |
Ⅎ | \Finv | Turned Capital F | |
ℊ | \gscript | Script Capital G (Used in Physics for conductance) | |
ℋ | \hPlanck | Planck Constant | |
ℌ | \hHilbert | Black-Letter Capital H (Hilbert Space) | |
ℎ | \hBar | Planck's Constant over Two Pi | |
ℏ | \hslash | Reduced Planck's Constant | |
℩ | \imaginaryJ | Script Capital J | |
ı | \dotlessi | Dotless I | |
ℑ | \imaginary | Imaginary Part | |
j | \imaginaryJ | J, used as a unit imaginary number in electrical engineering | |
ϰ | \varkappa | Kappa Symbol (Greek letter) | |
ℒ | \lagrangian | Script Capital L (Lagrangian) | |
ℓ | \ell | Script Small L (Liter) | |
ℕ | \mathbb{N} | Set of Natural Numbers | |
℘ | \wp | Weierstrass P (Power Set) | |
ℚ | \mathbb{Q} | Set of Rational Numbers | |
ℛ | \real | Script Capital R | |
ℜ | \realpart | Real Part | |
ℝ | \mathbb{R} | Set of Real Numbers | |
ℤ | \mathbb{Z} | Set of Integers | |
℧ | \turnedOmega | Turned Omega | |
Å | \angstrom | Angstrom | |
ℬ | \Bbbk | Script Capital B | |
℮ | \estimated | Estimated Symbol (Euro) | |
ℰ | \scriptE | Script Capital E | |
∃ | \exists | There Exists (Existential Quantifier) | |
∄ | \nexists | There Does Not Exist | |
ℱ | \scriptF | Script Capital F | |
ℳ | \scriptM | Script Capital M | |
ℴ | \scriptO | Script Small O | |
ℵ | \aleph | Aleph Number (Transfinite Numbers) | |
ℶ | \beth | Beth Number | |
ℷ | \gimel | Gimel Function | |
ℸ | \dalet | Dalet Symbol | |
= | = | Equal to | |
≠ | \neq | Not equal to | |
< | < | Less than | |
> | > | Greater than | |
≤ | \le | Less than or equal to | |
≥ | \ge | Greater than or equal to | |
≮ | \nless | Not less than | |
≰ | \nleq | Neither less than nor equal to | |
≯ | \ngtr | Not greater than | |
≱ | \ngeq | Neither greater than nor equal to | |
≡ | \equiv | Identical to or congruent | |
∼ | \sim | Tilde operator, often denotes similarity or equivalence | |
≃ | \simeq | Asymptotically equal to | |
≈ | \approx | Approximately equal to | |
≅ | \cong | Approximately equal to or congruent | |
≢ | \nequiv | Not identical to | |
≄ | \nasymp | Not asymptotically equal to | |
≉ | \napprox | Not approximately equal to | |
≇ | \ncong | Neither approximately nor actually equal to | |
∝ | \propto | Proportional to | |
≪ | \ll | Much less than | |
≫ | \gg | Much greater than | |
∈ | \in | Element of | |
∋ | \ni | Contains as a member | |
∉ | \notin | Not an element of | |
⊂ | \subset | Subset of | |
⊃ | \supset | Superset of | |
⊆ | \subseteq | Subset of or equal to | |
⊇ | \supseteq | Superset of or equal to | |
≺ | \prec | Precedes | |
≻ | \succ | Succeeds | |
≼ | \preceq | Precedes or equal to | |
≽ | \succeq | Succeeds or equal to | |
⊏ | \sqsubset | Subset of with not equal to | |
⊐ | \sqsupset | Superset of with not equal to | |
⊑ | \sqsubseteq | Square image of or equal to | |
⊒ | \sqsupseteq | Square original of or equal to | |
∥ | \parallel | Parallel to | |
⊥ | \perp | Perpendicular to | |
⊢ | \vdash | Proves, forces | |
⊣ | \dashv | Double turnstile | |
⋈ | \bowtie | Bowtie, join | |
≍ | \asymp | Equiangular to | |
( | \left( | Left parenthesis | |
) | \right) | Right parenthesis | |
[ | \left[ | Left square bracket | |
] | \right] | Right square bracket | |
{ | \left\{ | Left curly brace | |
} | \right\} | Right curly brace | |
⟨ | \left\langle | Left angle bracket | |
⟩ | \right\rangle | Right angle bracket | |
| | \left| | Left vertical bar | |
| | \right| | Right vertical bar | |
⌈ | \left\lceil | Left ceiling bracket | |
⌉ | \right\rceil | Right ceiling bracket | |
⌊ | \left\lfloor | Left floor bracket | |
⌋ | \right\rfloor | Right floor bracket | |
‖ | \left\| | Left double vertical bar | |
‖ | \right\| | Right double vertical bar | |
⟦ | \left\llbracket | Left double bracket | |
⟧ | \right\rrbracket | Right double bracket | |
≠ | \neq | Not Equal To | |
≮ | \nless | Not Less Than | |
≯ | \ngtr | Not Greater Than | |
≰ | \nleq | Neither Less Than Nor Equal To | |
≱ | \ngeq | Neither Greater Than Nor Equal To | |
≢ | \nequiv | Not Identical To | |
≁ | \nsim | Not Tilde | |
≄ | \nasymp | Not Asymptotically Equal To | |
≉ | \napprox | Not Almost Equal To | |
≇ | \ncong | Neither Approximately Nor Actually Equal To | |
≭ | \nmid | Not Divides | |
≨ | \lneq | Less Than But Not Equal To | |
≩ | \gneq | Greater Than But Not Equal To | |
⊀ | \nprec | Not Precedes | |
⊁ | \nsucc | Not Succeeds | |
⋠ | \npreceq | Does Not Precede Or Equal | |
⋡ | \nsucceq | Does Not Succeed Or Equal | |
∉ | \notin | Not An Element Of | |
∌ | \notni | Does Not Contain As Member | |
⊄ | \nsubset | Not A Subset Of | |
⊅ | \nsupset | Not A Superset Of | |
⊈ | \nsubseteq | Not A Subset Of Or Equal To | |
⊉ | \nsupseteq | Not A Superset Of Or Equal To | |
⊊ | \subsetneq | Subset Of With Not Equal To | |
⋢ | \varsubsetneq | Subset Of With Not Equal To (variant) | |
⊋ | \supsetneq | Superset Of With Not Equal To | |
⋣ | \varsupsetneq | Superset Of With Not Equal To (variant) | |
⋦ | \lnsim | Less Than But Not Equivalent To | |
⋧ | \gnsim | Greater Than But Not Equivalent To | |
⋨ | \precnsim | Precedes But Not Equivalent To | |
⋩ | \succnsim | Succeeds But Not Equivalent To | |
⋪ | \ntriangleleft | Not Normal Subgroup Of | |
⋫ | \ntriangleright | Does Not Contain As Normal Subgroup | |
⋬ | \ntrianglelefteq | Not Normal Subgroup Of Or Equal To | |
⋭ | \ntrianglerighteq | Does Not Contain As Normal Subgroup Or Equal | |
∤ | \nmid | Does Not Divide | |
∦ | \nparallel | Not Parallel To | |
⊬ | \nvdash | Does Not Prove | |
⊭ | \nvDash | Not True | |
⊮ | \nVdash | Does Not Force | |
⊯ | \nVDash | Negated Double Vertical Bar Double Right Turnstile | |
∄ | \nexists | There Does Not Exist | |
← | \leftarrow | Leftwards Arrow | |
→ | \rightarrow | Rightwards Arrow | |
↑ | \uparrow | Upwards Arrow | |
↓ | \downarrow | Downwards Arrow | |
↔ | \leftrightarrow | Left Right Arrow | |
↕ | \updownarrow | Up Down Arrow | |
⇐ | \Leftarrow | Leftwards Double Arrow | |
⇒ | \Rightarrow | Rightwards Double Arrow | |
⇑ | \Uparrow | Upwards Double Arrow | |
⇓ | \Downarrow | Downwards Double Arrow | |
⇔ | \Leftrightarrow | Left Right Double Arrow | |
⇕ | \Updownarrow | Up Down Double Arrow | |
⟵ | \longleftarrow | Long Leftwards Arrow | |
⟶ | \longrightarrow | Long Rightwards Arrow | |
⟷ | \longleftrightarrow | Long Left Right Arrow | |
⟸ | \Longleftarrow | Long Leftwards Double Arrow | |
⟹ | \Longrightarrow | Long Rightwards Double Arrow | |
⟺ | \Longleftrightarrow | Long Left Right Double Arrow | |
↗ | \nearrow | North East Arrow | |
↖ | \nwarrow | North West Arrow | |
↘ | \searrow | South East Arrow | |
↙ | \swarrow | South West Arrow | |
↚ | \nleftarrow | Leftwards Arrow with Stroke | |
↛ | \nrightarrow | Rightwards Arrow with Stroke | |
↮ | \nleftrightarrow | Left Right Arrow with Stroke | |
⇍ | \nLeftarrow | Leftwards Double Arrow with Stroke | |
⇏ | \nRightarrow | Rightwards Double Arrow with Stroke | |
⇎ | \nLeftrightarrow | Left Right Double Arrow with Stroke | |
⇠ | \dashleftarrow | Leftwards Dashed Arrow | |
⇢ | \dashrightarrow | Rightwards Dashed Arrow | |
↤ | \leftarrowtail | Leftwards Arrow from Bar | |
↦ | \rightarrowtail | Rightwards Arrow from Bar | |
⟻ | \rightsquigarrow | Long Rightwards Squiggle Arrow | |
⟼ | \leadsto | Long Rightwards Double Squiggle Arrow | |
↩ | \hookleftarrow | Leftwards Arrow with Hook | |
↪ | \hookrightarrow | Rightwards Arrow with Hook | |
↼ | \leftharpoonup | Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Upwards | |
↽ | \leftharpoondown | Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Downwards | |
⇀ | \rightharpoonup | Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Upwards | |
⇁ | \rightharpoondown | Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Downwards | |
↿ | \upharpoonleft | Upwards Harpoon with Barb Leftwards | |
↾ | \upharpoonright | Upwards Harpoon with Barb Rightwards | |
⇃ | \downharpoonleft | Downwards Harpoon with Barb Leftwards | |
⇂ | \downharpoonright | Downwards Harpoon with Barb Rightwards | |
⇋ | \leftrightharpoons | Leftwards Harpoon Over Rightwards Harpoon | |
⇌ | \rightleftharpoons | Rightwards Harpoon Over Leftwards Harpoon | |
⇇ | \leftleftarrows | Leftwards Paired Arrows | |
⇉ | \rightrightarrows | Rightwards Paired Arrows | |
⇈ | \upuparrows | Upwards Paired Arrows | |
⇊ | \downdownarrows | Downwards Paired Arrows | |
⇆ | \leftrightarrows | Leftwards Arrow Over Rightwards Arrow | |
⇄ | \rightleftarrows | Rightwards Arrow Over Leftwards Arrow | |
↫ | \looparrowleft | Leftwards Arrow with Loop | |
↬ | \looparrowright | Rightwards Arrow with Loop | |
↢ | \Lsh | Leftwards Arrow with Tail | |
↣ | \Rsh | Rightwards Arrow with Tail | |
↰ | \upharpoonleft | Upwards Arrow with Tip Leftwards | |
↱ | \upharpoonright | Upwards Arrow with Tip Rightwards | |
↲ | \downharpoonleft | Downwards Arrow with Tip Leftwards | |
↳ | \downharpoonright | Downwards Arrow with Tip Rightwards | |
⇚ | \Lleftarrow | Leftwards Triple Arrow | |
⇛ | \Rrightarrow | Rightwards Triple Arrow | |
↞ | \twoheadleftarrow | Two Headed Leftwards Arrow | |
↠ | \twoheadrightarrow | Two Headed Rightwards Arrow | |
↶ | \curvearrowleft | Anticlockwise Top Semicircle Arrow | |
↷ | \curvearrowright | Clockwise Top Semicircle Arrow | |
↺ | \circlearrowleft | Anticlockwise Open Circle Arrow | |
↻ | \circlearrowright | Clockwise Open Circle Arrow | |
⊸ | \multimap | Circled Dash with Arrow | |
↭ | \leftrightsquigarrow | Left Right Wave Arrow | |
↜ | \leftsquigarrow | Leftwards Wave Arrow | |
↝ | \rightsquigarrow | Rightwards Wave Arrow | |
⇜ | \leftsquigarrow | Leftwards Squiggle Arrow | |
α | \alpha | ||
β | \beta | ||
γ | \gamma | ||
δ | \delta | ||
ε | \epsilon | ||
ζ | \zeta | ||
η | \eta | ||
θ | \theta | ||
ι | \iota | ||
κ | \kappa | ||
λ | \lambda | ||
μ | \mu | ||
ν | \nu | ||
ξ | \xi | ||
ο | o | ||
π | \pi | ||
ρ | \rho | ||
σ | \sigma | ||
τ | \tau | ||
υ | \upsilon | ||
φ | \phi | ||
χ | \chi | ||
ψ | \psi | ||
ω | \omega | ||
Α | \Alpha | ||
Β | \Beta | ||
Γ | \Gamma | ||
Δ | \Delta | ||
Ε | \Epsilon | ||
Ζ | \Zeta | ||
Η | \Eta | ||
Θ | \Theta | ||
Ι | \Iota | ||
Κ | \Kappa | ||
Λ | \Lambda | ||
Μ | \Mu | ||
Ν | \Nu | ||
Ξ | \Xi | ||
Ο | \Omicron | ||
Π | \Pi | ||
Ρ | \Rho | ||
Σ | \Sigma | ||
Τ | \Tau | ||
Υ | \Upsilon | ||
Φ | \Phi | ||
Χ | \Chi | ||
Ψ | \Psi | ||
Ω | \Omega | ||
a | \a | ||
b | \b | ||
c | \c | ||
d | \d | ||
e | \e | ||
f | \f | ||
g | \g | ||
h | \h | ||
i | \i | ||
j | \j | ||
k | \k | ||
l | \l | ||
m | \m | ||
n | \n | ||
o | \o | ||
p | \p | ||
q | \q | ||
r | \r | ||
s | \s | ||
t | \t | ||
u | \u | ||
v | \v | ||
w | \w | ||
x | \x | ||
y | \y | ||
z | \z | ||
A | \A | ||
B | \B | ||
C | \C | ||
D | \D | ||
E | \E | ||
F | \F | ||
G | \G | ||
H | \H | ||
I | \I | ||
J | \J | ||
K | \K | ||
L | \L | ||
M | \M | ||
N | \N | ||
O | \O | ||
P | \P | ||
Q | \Q | ||
R | \R | ||
S | \S | ||
T | \T | ||
U | \U | ||
V | \V | ||
W | \W | ||
X | \X | ||
Y | \Y | ||
Z | \Z | ||
∈ | \in | Element of | |
∉ | \notin | Not element of | |
⊂ | \subset | Subset of | |
⊄ | \not\subset | Not subset of | |
⊆ | \subseteq | Subset or equal | |
⊇ | \supseteq | Superset or equal | |
∪ | \cup | Union | |
∩ | \cap | Intersection | |
⊖ | \setminus | Set minus | |
⊕ | \oplus | Disjoint union | |
℘ | \wp | Power set | |
∀ | \forall | For all | |
∃ | \exists | There exists | |
∃! | \exists! | There exists one and only one | |
⇒ | \Rightarrow | Implies | |
⇐ | \Leftarrow | Is implied by | |
⇔ | \Leftrightarrow | If and only if | |
∼ | \sim | Not | |
∧ | \wedge | And | |
∨ | \vee | Or | |
⊻ | \veebar | Exclusive or | |
= | = | Equality | |
≠ | \neq | Inequality | |
∅ | \emptyset | Empty set | |
ℝ | \mathbb{R} | Real numbers | |
ℕ | \mathbb{N} | Natural numbers | |
ℤ | \mathbb{Z} | Integers | |
ℚ | \mathbb{Q} | Rational numbers | |
ℂ | \mathbb{C} | Complex numbers | |
∆ | \triangle | Symmetric difference | |
× | \times | Cartesian product | |
sin | \sin | Sine | |
cos | \cos | Cosine | |
tan | \tan | Tangent | |
csc | \csc | Cosecant | |
sec | \sec | Secant | |
cot | \cot | Cotangent | |
π | \pi | Pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter | |
θ | \theta | Theta, often used as the variable for an angle | |
sin⁻¹ | \sin^{-1} | Inverse sine (arcsin) | |
cos⁻¹ | \cos^{-1} | Inverse cosine (arccos) | |
tan⁻¹ | \tan^{-1} | Inverse tangent (arctan) | |
csc⁻¹ | \csc^{-1} | Inverse cosecant (arccsc) | |
sec⁻¹ | \sec^{-1} | Inverse secant (arcsec) | |
cot⁻¹ | \cot^{-1} | Inverse cotangent (arccot) | |
∠ | \angle | Angle | |
∡ | \measuredangle | Measured angle | |
∢ | \sphericalangle | Spherical angle | |
∆ | \Delta | Delta, represents change or difference, often used for angle in trigonometry | |
sinh | \sinh | Hyperbolic sine | |
cosh | \cosh | Hyperbolic cosine | |
tanh | \tanh | Hyperbolic tangent | |
csch | \csch | Hyperbolic cosecant | |
sech | \sech | Hyperbolic secant | |
coth | \coth | Hyperbolic cotangent | |
e | e | Euler's number, the base of the natural logarithm | |
i | i | Imaginary unit, satisfies i² = -1 | |
φ | \varphi | Phi, often used for phase angle in wave functions | |
λ | \lambda | Lambda, often used for wavelength | |
ω | \omega | Omega, angular frequency of a wave | |
∑ | \sum | Summation, sum of terms | |
∏ | \prod | Product, product of terms | |
√ | \sqrt{} | Square root | |
∛ | \sqrt[3]{} | Cube root | |
|z| | |z| | Magnitude of a complex number | |
π | \pi | Pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter | |
π/2 | \frac{\pi}{2} | Half pi, represents a right angle or 90 degrees | |
π/3 | \frac{\pi}{3} | One third of pi, represents 60 degrees | |
π/4 | \frac{\pi}{4} | Quarter pi, represents 45 degrees | |
π/6 | \frac{\pi}{6} | One sixth of pi, represents 30 degrees | |
2π | 2\pi | Two pi, represents a full circle or 360 degrees | |
3π/2 | \frac{3\pi}{2} | Three halves of pi, represents 270 degrees or a three-quarter turn | |
2π/3 | \frac{2\pi}{3} | Two thirds of pi, represents 120 degrees | |
π/8 | \frac{\pi}{8} | One eighth of pi, represents 22.5 degrees | |
5π/6 | \frac{5\pi}{6} | Five sixths of pi, represents 150 degrees | |
π/12 | \frac{\pi}{12} | One twelfth of pi, represents 15 degrees | |
4π/3 | \frac{4\pi}{3} | Four thirds of pi, represents 240 degrees | |
5π/3 | \frac{5\pi}{3} | Five thirds of pi, represents 300 degrees | |
3π/4 | \frac{3\pi}{4} | Three quarters of pi, represents 135 degrees | |
7π/4 | \frac{7\pi}{4} | Seven quarters of pi, represents 315 degrees | |
7π/6 | \frac{7\pi}{6} | Seven sixths of pi, represents 210 degrees | |
11π/6 | \frac{11\pi}{6} | Eleven sixths of pi, represents 330 degrees | |
! | ! | Factorial | |
P(n, k) | P(n, k) | Permutations | |
C(n, k) | \binom{n}{k} | Combinations | |
nᵏ | n^k | Power | |
S(n, k) | S(n, k) | Stirling numbers of the second kind | |
B(n) | B(n) | Bell numbers | |
ℙ(A) | \mathcal{P}(A) | Power set of A | |
|A| | |A| | Cardinality of set A | |
P(A) | P(A) | Probability of event A | |
P(A|B) | P(A|B) | Conditional probability of A given B | |
P(A ∩ B) | P(A \cap B) | Probability of both A and B | |
P(A ∪ B) | P(A \cup B) | Probability of A or B | |
E(X) | E(X) | Expected value of random variable X | |
Var(X) | \text{Var}(X) | Variance of random variable X | |
σ² | \sigma^2 | Variance of a population | |
σ | \sigma | Standard deviation of a population | |
S² | S^2 | Sample variance | |
S | S | Sample standard deviation | |
μ | \mu | Mean of a population | |
x̄ | \bar{x} | Sample mean | |
n | n | Sample size | |
N | N | Population size | |
Z | Z | Z-score | |
t | t | t-score in t-distribution | |
χ² | \chi^2 | Chi-squared statistic | |
F | F | F statistic in F-distribution | |
ρ | \rho | Correlation coefficient | |
p-value | \text{p-value} | p-value, probability of observing the test result under the null hypothesis | |
Z-score | Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma} | Measure of how many standard deviations an element is from the mean. Calculated as Z = (X - μ) / σ, where X is the value, μ is the mean, and σ is the standard deviation. |