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Set Theory Symbols

Linear Algebra
Mathematical Logic
symbollatex codeexplanation
Element of a set
Not an element of a set
Proper subset of a set
Subset or equal to
Not a subset of a set
Proper superset of a set
Superset or equal to
Union of sets
Intersection of sets
Set difference
Empty set
Universal set
Equality of sets
Inequality of sets
Set is a subset of another
Set is a proper subset of another
Set is a superset of another
Set is a proper superset of another
Set of natural numbers
Set of integers
Set of rational numbers
Set of real numbers
Set of complex numbers
Cardinality of a set A
Aleph-null, the cardinality of countably infinite sets
Aleph-one, the next larger cardinality
Cardinality of the power set of a countably infinite set
{a, b, c}
\{a, b, c\}
Set containing elements a, b, and c
{x | P(x)}
\{x \mid P(x)\}
Set of elements x satisfying property P(x)
A × B
A \times B
Cartesian product of sets A and B
Power set of set A
A ∪ ∅ = A
A \cup \emptyset = A
Union with the empty set is the set itself
A ∩ ∅ = ∅
A \cap \emptyset = \emptyset
Intersection with the empty set is the empty set
A ∪ U = U
A \cup U = U
Union with the universal set is the universal set
A ∩ U = A
A \cap U = A
Intersection with the universal set is the set itself
A ⊆ B
A \subseteq B
A is a subset of B
A ⊂ B
A \subset B
A is a proper subset of B
A = B
A = B
A and B are equal sets
A ∪ B
A \cup B
Union of A and B
A ∩ B
A \cap B
Intersection of A and B
A ∖ B
A \setminus B
Difference of A and B
A △ B
A \triangle B
Symmetric difference of A and B
⋂ₐₑ Aᵢ
\bigcap_{i=a}^b A_i
Intersection of indexed family of sets
⋃ₐₑ Aᵢ
\bigcup_{i=a}^b A_i
Union of indexed family of sets
∑_{x∈A} f(x)
\sum_{x \in A} f(x)
Summation over elements of set A
Π_{x∈A} f(x)
\prod_{x \in A} f(x)
Product over elements of set A
An indexed set A at index i
{Aᵢ | i ∈ I}
\{A_i \mid i \in I\}
Collection of sets indexed by I
⋃ Aᵢ
\bigcup A_i
Union of all indexed sets Aᵢ
⋂ Aᵢ
\bigcap A_i
Intersection of all indexed sets Aᵢ
(x, y)
(x, y)
Ordered pair
f: A → B
f: A \to B
A function f from set A to set B
Value of function f at x
Identity function on set A
Preimage of set B under function f
Image of set A under function f
A ∩ B
A \cap B
Region where A and B overlap
A ∪ B
A \cup B
Region including A or B
A ∖ B
A \setminus B
Region in A but not in B
B ∖ A
B \setminus A
Region in B but not in A
A △ B
A \triangle B
Region in A or B but not both
∀x ∈ A, P(x)
\forall x \in A, P(x)
For all elements x in A, P(x) is true
∃x ∈ A, P(x)
\exists x \in A, P(x)
There exists an element x in A such that P(x) is true
¬∃x ∈ A, P(x)
\neg \exists x \in A, P(x)
There does not exist an x in A such that P(x) is true
∃!x ∈ A, P(x)
\exists! x \in A, P(x)
There exists a unique x in A such that P(x) is true